Pragmatic and Better Practice Survey Guide

The Australian Public Service (APS), is increasingly using survey research to inform the design of programs, to understand a policy issue or as part of a consultation process.
This Pragmatic and Better Practice Survey Guide aims to assist the APS in developing better surveys while acknowledging the limited resources and time usually available for survey development in many APS agencies.
Behaviour Discovery Tool
Looking for a fresh perspective to tackle a policy, program or service delivery problem?
In less than 10 minutes, use a behavioural insights approach to explore your problem with BETA’s Behaviour Discovery Tool.
- Discover how to better understand and influence behaviours.
- Get a report with practical next steps and bite-sized advice.
Getting Wiser about Government Forms
BETA’s Better Practice Guide expands on the WISER framework, offering a systematic approach to improving government forms. The guide draws on behavioural insights, user experience design and plain language principles to make forms easier, simpler and more human.
Getting Wiser about Government Forms - PDF 1.2 MB | Word 1.2 MB
Richer veins for behavioural insights
The use of behavioural insights in public policy has traditionally focused on small, low cost ‘nudges’ to improve communications, increase compliance and enhance the way services are delivered. But BETA has begun to look beyond to identify a smaller set of 'richer veins' where BI can offer high financial and social impact. These areas include consumer choice, financial decision-making and personal wellbeing.
BETA’s 9 Question guide to Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs)
These 9 guiding questions outline our approach to developing behavioural interventions for RCTs. It pulls together behavioural and RCT expertise from around the world, in an easy to use guide for those looking to develop behavioural interventions for RCTs in government.
Harnessing the power of defaults
Setting effective defaults is a powerful behavioural insights tool for policy-makers. Find out what makes an effective and ethical default in this guide.
Best laid plans
Helping people make plans can lead to improved outcomes for individuals. Read this guide to learn about why plans are important, when they can be used and what makes them work.
Behavioural Insights for Public Policy (BX guide)
Behavioural Insights is already shaping public policy across the country and improving the lives of Australians. We have created a collection of stories about the work of BI units across the federal and state systems.
BI Basics
Find below some resources on the foundations of behavioural insights and design frameworks.
Title | Description |
4D Framework | BETA’s 4D framework is designed to help you manage behavioural insights projects through the stages of Discover, Diagnose, Design and Deliver. You can complete our 4D framework online course to explore these stages in depth. (Accessible DOCX) |
WISER framework | BETA’s WISER framework helps guide the development of good forms, based on research, as well as our own experience working with government agencies on forms, letters and communication. |
EAST principles | The Behavioural Insights Team has developed four simple principles for applying behavioural insights to make things Easy, Attractive, Social and Timely (EAST). |
INSPIRE framework | BehaviourWorks’ INSPIRE framework summarises the most prominent behavioural science evidence that can be applied to written communication, with insights on how practical challenges can be overcome. |
MINDSPACE | The Institute for Government has captured nine of the most robust influences on behaviour in a simple mnemonic – MINDSPACE – which can be used as a quick checklist when making policy. |
Ten Conditions for Change | A step-by-step behaviour change framework designed to be sufficient for creating a new positive behaviour. |
The Behavioral Economics Guide | Explore the applications of behavioural insights that have occurred throughout the last year, explore key behavioural science concepts and learn more about post-graduate study options. |