Sarah Proudfoot

General Manager of Retail Markets, Australian Energy Regulator

Sarah Proudfoot has been working at the Australian Energy Regulator since 2011. Sarah joined the AER from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, where she had managed the information and outreach program for five years. When she started at the AER, Sarah worked on the development of the AER’s guidelines on retail pricing information and the retail exempt selling framework, ahead of the commencement of the National Energy Retail Law in 2012.

Currently, Sarah is General Manager of the AER’s Retail Markets branch, which has responsibilities for market entry, performance and compliance monitoring and reporting and enforcement. The branch also has a focus on promoting consumer confidence in retail energy markets – it developed and runs the Energy Made Easy price comparator website and enforces the Retail Pricing Information Guidelines, which prescribe how energy retailers present information on energy plans to customers. Sarah holds Bachelor degrees in Law and Arts (Communication).