What’s not working? Understanding and improving retention in the NDIS workforce

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1 year 10 months ago
Project Type
Advisory report
Policy Area
Social and Health
Partner agencies
Department of Social Services

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) workforce has an average annual turnover rate of 17-25%, which is notably high compared to other similar sectors and across the workforce as a whole. BETA partnered with the Department of Social Services to investigate why turnover in the NDIS workforce is high and to design interventions to increase worker retention.

For the first stage of the research, BETA undertook a literature review and surveyed 768 NDIS workers, to understand what predicts intentions to leave the NDIS workforce. The survey found that high levels of burnout and low levels of job engagement are significantly associated with greater intentions to leave the NDIS workforce. Key findings from the diagnostic survey will inform stage two of the project.

For the second stage of the research, BETA will design and test interventions aiming to increase retention and positive experiences in the NDIS workforce.