Journey 3: Taking Nudges to Scale

Journey Three - Behavioural Insights for Impact

Hundreds of ‘nudges’ have been trialled over the past decade around the world, but how many of these have been successfully rolled out, or significantly influenced policy design?

This session will explore what we mean when we talk about ‘scaling’, and discuss the barriers, enablers, risks and opportunities for doing this in practice.

You will hear public and private sector representatives talk candidly about what works and what doesn’t in terms of scaling ‘nudges’, and have the opportunity to discuss how this aligns with your own experiences. The session will conclude with practical tips, lessons and questions for taking nudges to scale in the future.

Robyn Mildon and Edwina Crawford also presented via video

Bruce Cunningham

Bruce Cunningham

Bruce Cunningham is currently the Economics Branch Manager in the Department of Jobs and Small Business. Bruce has worked in the variety of analytical and research roles over the last 17 years centred on helping job seekers into work.  This includes research into employment services implementation and providing advice to inform labour market policy. Recently, Bruce established a behavioural economics team within the Department and has successfully completed a number of trials, working with program owners to provide evidence on what works.

Rory Gallagher

Rory Gallagher

Rory leads the Behavioural Insights Team’s work across Australia and the Asia-Pacific, and has been with BIT since its inception in 2010. He has led BI trials and policy interventions across the region in a range of policy areas, from employment and education, to health and housing.

Based in Sydney since November 2012, Rory led the establishment of the New South Wales Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Behavioural Insights Unit – the first Australian agency dedicated to applying BI to public policy.