Improving organ donor registration among young adults

Authored on
3 years ago
Project Type
Evaluation report
Policy Area
Social and Health
Partner agencies
Organ and Tissue Authority
Registration date
Tuesday, 01 June 2021

BETA partnered with the Organ & Tissue Authority to investigate the motivations and barriers for young adults to register as organ donors, and to inform their annual DonateLife Week community awareness campaign. We conducted desktop research, and commissioned focus groups to identify key issues. We then gathered further evidence by running an online experiment and survey with 1382 young adults (762 did the experiment and the survey, while 620 did the survey only).


Trial start and end date: Online experiment - 25 May 2021 to 27 May 2021.

Ethics approval: Macquarie University’s Human Research Ethics Committee (reference number 520211010228382), 25 May 2021

Keywords: organ donation, donate life, behavioural insights, young adults

Experimental design including randomisation:

Online experiment - A randomised trials with three arms (two treatment arms and a control arm). We randomised at the individual level using the tool within the Qualtrics platform, with a one-third probability of assignment to each experimental arm. Participants viewed varying messages that aimed to encourage registration as an organ donor.

Outcome(s): Primary outcome - registered as an organ donor on the DonateLife web form (binary). Secondary outcomes - clicked on the link to the DonateLife web form (binary), stated likelihood of registering this week (binary, those that said they ‘definitely’ will plus those that said they ‘just did a moment ago’ = 1)

Expected sample size: We expected a total sample for the online experiment of around 700. This equates to around 230 per treatment group.
