Professor Liam Smith
Liam Smith is the Director of Behaviour Works Australia (BWA), based in Monash University’s Sustainable Development Institute. Since establishing BWA in 2011, he has overseen significant growth and the research group now has a portfolio of over 600 behaviour change projects in collaboration with government and industry partners, and over 30 staff.

Professor Jolanda Jetten
Jolanda Jetten is Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Queensland. Her research is concerned with group processes, social identity and intergroup relations, as represented by her most recent books: Together apart: The psychology of COVID-19 (with S. Reicher et al; Sage, 2020), The wealth Paradox: Economic prosperity and the hardening of attitudes towards minorities (with F Mols; Cambridge University Press, 2017) and The New Psychology of Health: Unlocking the Social Cure (with C. Haslam et al; Psychology Press, 2018).