Designed for those new to or needing a refresher on behavioural insights, this introductory session will provide an overview of behavioural insights, its key concepts and how it can be used to improve the wellbeing of citizens.

Heather Cotching
Heather Cotching is the Senior Advisor of the Behavioural Science team in BETA (the Behavioural Economics Team of Australia). Her team is responsible for leading BETA’s diagnosis of behavioural biases across public policy issues and helping to design ‘nudges’ to prompt changes in human behaviour. Heather has a degree in economics and has worked across government for more than a decade, including in Treasury, the Murray-Darling Basin Authority and the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science.

Robert Slonim
Robert is a Professor at the University of Sydney and holds a PhD from Duke University and MBA and BA degrees from the University of California Berkeley. Robert is recognised as a pioneer in the areas of experimental and behavioural economics. He has been very innovative in his use of experimental methods that have theoretical importance and important empirical findings for matters of public policy. His research has focused on a broad range of policy topics, including extensive work to understand charitable behaviour.